
Environmental dredging

Environmental dredging is the process where contaminated sediment under water is removed, treated, transported to a new location. Environmental dredging is performed to reduce risk that contaminated sediment and associated porewater pose to human health and the environment. Dredging removes this type of source. In some cases, dredging is performed to increase water depths, which may be needed for vessel navigation, flood protection. Even if the primary objective of dredging was not to remove a contamination source, if the sediments contain contaminants, special care is still required.

Environmental dredging tools

Environmental friendly dredging means removing polluted sediment layers at a minimal volume enlargement by reducing the necessary transport water to a minimum, at a minimum turbidity. During environmental dredging projects, turbidity presents an extreme challenge. To protect surrounding waters and confine the spread of contamination, environmental dredging techniques aim to achieve a high concentration of dredged sediment with the lowest possible turbidity. The ECTMarine Special environmental dredgers as AUGER dredge is designed to remove accurate thin layers so that the least possible quantities of material are dredged.


The picture above shows the delicate Mangroves in Gambia. In the Gambia, mangroves can be found in the estuaries of the Gambia River and along the coastline. These ecosystems are very delicate, any manipulation to these ecosystems must be done with utmost care.

Dredge solutions for environmental dredging

Electrical Dredger

All dredgers ECTMarine offers can be delivered as electrically powered version. Cutter suction dredgers, plain suction dredgers and workboats can be delivered as an environmental electric version.  

Custom dredgers that can work envirnometally friendly by minimizing turbidity

Auger Dredger

The Auger dredger uses a methode of dredging that minimizes turbidity. This dredger can also be supplied as electrically powered.